Friday, October 29, 2010

Cheat Engine For Poptropica

And you're done! My website is born!!

Now, put the batteries to "understand" how this is handled! Has
many loopholes and things and places to "click" I do not know where to start!
I think I will take a little time to get familiar with the new environment. Blog
is simple! Website?? not so much!

Kisses to all and thanks for reading me go!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Creepy Crawlers Games Doll Maker

and continue my website!

Recipes cute, fun recipes .... all this and more is to come!

Bear with me! Rome was not built in a day and my website either.

I'm still working and Célia much more!

The corner will have professional pastry classes for everyone, nothing to make the simple complicated. Many going to be filmed because something is "seen" and a "draft", of course, classes will be written with detailed ingredients, which should not rush out to find a pen (biro for Argentina) write them down!

Well, I'm with my compilation of data!
Until next delivery!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Best Snowmobile Helmet Review

It is my website! Best

Hi everyone!
"We are working for you!". Yes, we are. Because I could not do it alone. My dear Celia René-Corail, creator of Optimoms is my advisor and is responsible for putting all things in order so that very soon you all can enjoy my website.

After thinking about a name, I decided that

La pâtisserie de Grace

is the best, one who goes with me and fills my heart.

Not just pastries I write, keep my " more " dedicated to all those recipes that life was bringing me to make the modern woman which is busy with the house work and children can engage in simple, tasty cuisine without spending too much time.

will also see that the website is neatly structured, the blog is very cute, very fun, one might almost say it's something like a diary ultimately be the reason that its creators when they conceived. With the information I can finally organize recipes by category without having to be diving too much to find them. Of course this blog that I love so much will not go away! will remain as a complement to website. Also

I have a space dedicated to "family recipes" in which write that I inherited from mother, grandmother, aunts, mothers, friends, etc., and all readers who wish to share with the rest of the world its so precious creations.

"your question does not bother" also be included as a place where everyone can interact. I think it's great to receive comments and ideas and answer your questions, to the extent of my knowledge. I find it very rewarding to achieve any pose establish a multicultural communication, connecting cities, experiences, people, from the oldest art in the world, as is the kitchen. The men of the stone age cooking and gathered around the fire, therefore, what prevents us from internet to meet?

Newsletter? well yes, I will also have a newsletter which will have to subscribe to receive it. It will be very simple and should only leave your email in a little place designed for that purpose and ready!

classes on techniques specific Pastry video and / or photographs, will also be present in my new space!

And attention to what follows!
For freshmen pastry career and all those who love the pastries from a professional point of view, give some tips & tricks captive in a specially designed, to be called THE PROFESSIONAL corner of .

I trust you will understand why this time without too many recipes added.

I'm working on everything I have written and folders hanging around, notebooks, books and other items. Is my life and passion for cooking and kitchen "has not started yesterday, began at the age where my mother copied the recipes Dona Petrona C. of Gandy was on TV (a program called Good Evening Mucho Gusto in the years 60) and I have a feeling that will never end!
Generosa As my grandmother, "my daughter, the day we stop to learn, is because we're dead! ", after which long its good and contagious laughter.

From Paris, I greet you all and wish you a great week!
Until next post!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dark Stool & Red Wine

2007 French pastry ... Monsieur Arnaud LARHER with you! Buenos Aires The best desserts

Your petits Gâteaux are gorgeous, its chocolate, macarons, in short, enjoy watching the video makes some nice pictures for Easter.