Friday, January 7, 2011

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Last Wednesday, after my arrival, I was forced to go to the left. Although I love the left, their places of fruits and vegetables, cheese factories, etc.., With the cold I was doing was more to stay home than to walk by dragging the little monkey of the purchase by the Parisian streets. But despite the weather , And stating that if so there would be no people in the street came out to make my post-holiday shopping. Requires empty fridge. I

the endless row of butcher-boucher Olivier, for details, and below me was a lady buying a rare thing called BOEUF Orlof. Out of curiosity I am asked what it was. Explanation: cut pieces of beef, do not ask me why it was cut because here the cow cut on the bias, like the dresses of Coco Chanel!
Take that piece of meat cut in the style bifecito not too large (about 10x10 cm.) And add over half slice of bacon (bacon Baires) and a good slice of Emmental. They make about 20 identical and then come together to form a long chain, to connect them using crepinette (that kind of whitish transparent fabric that holds the intestines of sheep). They tie and go!

To cook, is smearing the entire piece with crème fraiche and Dijon mustard. Cook over low heat, 160 °, depending on weight and will be the time (for a kilo calculated 1hr 10min.)

Try it! Too bad I did not do the picture. But now I'm about to go back to buy one. I'll upload the picture on FB and here too.
I served with steamed potatoes, to which it was not necessary or flavor and juices from the baking achieved and on to give them a taste spectacular!
Until next post!


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